You Be the Judge: Sentencing Workshop

This page contains material used in sentencing workshops run by the Supreme Court. They can also be used alone if you are interested in how sentencing works.

The first part of each Information Kit is information about the principles, purposes and law of sentencing.

The second part of each Information Kit is a fictitious case scenario that can be used in a workshop forum to decide what sentence you would impose on a defendant in the light of all the information you have.

For further information here is “A Guide to Sentencing in Tasmania” published by the Tasmania Sentencing Advisory Council in 2020.


“You Be the Judge” Sentencing Workshop materials are:

Information Kit One: State of Tasmania v Cherie Brown – Armed Robbery – 2024 

Sentencing Workshop – Information Kit – Death by Dangerous Driving – SoT v Riley James Williams – 2024

In addition to these materials is a video, taken at a previous sentencing workshop, for you to view and consider as you come to your conclusions.