Searching the Probate Registry
The Probate Registry has access to a record of all Grants issued by the Court.
A search fee is payable upfront regardless of whether documents on the file are provided to you. Payment options include cash, bank or solicitor cheque or EFTPOS.
Please be advised that there is a high demand in search requests and applications. The Probate Registry will endeavour to action search requests within 28 days.
If a reason for urgency is provided and in the opinion of the Registrar is valid a shorter time frame will be met.
For finalised records from 1995 onwards, a search request should be made to the Supreme Court Probate Registry. Search requests to the Probate Registry should be made using the Search Request Form.
For finalised records from 1825 to 1995 please enquire with the Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office, located at 91 Murray Street Hobart. Research enquiries: (03) 6165 5538.
Enquiring about a current application
The Probate Registry deals with thousands of applications for Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration each year. Before contacting the Probate Registry regarding the progress of a current application please read the guidelines below to find out what information you may be entitled to.
If you believe you are entitled to information regarding a current application you can email an enquiry to the Probate Registry or telephone the Registry on 1300 664608.
The Registry can provide a beneficiary with:
- confirmation that an application has been received;
- the name of the applicant and/or lawyer acting;
- a general estimate of the average time it takes an application to process, noting that this time frame is subject to the complexity of the application and any issues which warrant the Registry making further enquiries with the applicant;
- confirmation that a Grant has issued;
- search request forms.
If a beneficiary would like to know why a Grant is necessary they should refer to the Probate and Administration page of our website. If a beneficiary would like to know why there is a delay in a Grant issuing they should discuss this directly with:
- the applicant;
- the applicant’s lawyer, or if need be;
- the Law Society or Legal Profession Board.
Applicant /Applicant’s lawyer
The Registry can provide applicants (or their lawyer – as recorded on file) with as much information as is required to answer their question, for example all the information that can be provided to a beneficiary, plus:
- the date the application was received;
- details pertaining to a requisition etc.;
- provide a general estimate of when a Grant may issue;
- when/if the filing fee was paid.
Lawyer (not representing the Applicant)
The Registry can provide a lawyer (not representing the applicant) with the information they would typically provide to a beneficiary.
Obtaining an Exemplification or Certified Copy
Exemplification and certified copy requests should be made using the Exemplification and Certified Copy Request Form.
An exemplification is an official extract of the grant issued under the seal of the Supreme Court of Tasmania. It has the authority of an original grant and can be used by the executors or administrators if the original grant is lost, where a court authorised copy is required or a sealed copy is needed for a reseal in another jurisdiction.
A fee is payable. Payment options include cash, cheque or EFTPOS.